
For Clip02 I was interested in the idea of using negative space to form the dancers in the animation instead of drawing shapes for them. Using photoshop I imported all the video to frames like before and I used the pen tool to isolate the dancers, then cut of them out of a fill layer. I then filled the gaps of the dancers on 3 different layers with different colours and space them out which is something I saw in my Persona 4 research. For it to work I needed to create a static background however, so I took a frame of the dancers and manipulated it with filters so that it was coloured to match the colour scheme and unrecognisable, then placed it at the bottom of the layer stack. This gave great contrast to the solid colour layers above it and contrast the movement by remaining static.

I then put the frames together in Adobe Premier as video and imported it in to After Effects to add some colour correction filters and overlays to make the contrast and colour pop a bit more.

Here is a low quality preview: