Edited Video

Jack was kind enough to create a complete edited piece using the footage and as a class we agree to all use this version instead of deciding between our own edited versions. With the whole sequence together as a video we decided on how it would be divided. Although it would make sense to edit with the cuts in the film there aren't enough for each of us to do several. The video has been split up in to 3 sections for everyone of varying length:

01. Rhys
02. Ali
03. Dan
04. Toby
04b. Guy
05. Jack Wells
06. Matt
06b. Roarke
07. Steve
08. Guy
09. Jack Layfield
10. Kris
11. Roarke
12. Guy
13. Rhys
14. Steve
15. Jack Layfield
16. Roarke
17. Matt
18. Ali
19. Toby
20. Jack Wells
21. Kris
22. Dan
23. Toby
24. Matt
25. Ali
26. Rhys
27. Jack Wells
28. Dan
29. Jack Layfield
30. Kris
31. Steve

We also thought it might be a good idea to have a visual queue for which sections we were editing so Jack also made a video with our names overlaid on our sections.

Named Dance video from jack wells blog on Vimeo.
