Today, Monday 22nd February, I submitted my completed videos to the client Nick Adlam by presenting them on the projector in class. He seemed pleased overall. While his general lack of feedback on the videos left me feeling like he wasn't that interested he accepted them both and seemed happy with the overall message and the presentation.
For my Food base idea Nick, along with Andrew, had no requests or ideas for improvements and that video was accepted as it was which left me surprised but pleased. The CO2 addict video was probbably different from what he was expecting and he was more vocal about this one. Nick and Andrew both provided some suggestions. The only real problem Nick had with it was that he said that he felt the ending just cuts off like we are missing something, and I would agree. I couldn't quite work out how to end it correctly. The 2 suggestions I was givn for how to end it was a comical sign off, showing how he's changed or a small fade/cut with some appropriate text. To make room for this I was advised to cut down one of the sequences earlier in the video to 2 shots instead of 4.
I will need to make these improvements by Thursday 25th February to submit to the server.