Pitch Feedback

I gained a lot of useful feedback from the pitch, from the client as well as the lecturers and classmates. First of all, of the 5 ideas I pitched the 3 favourites were:
  • General: Addicted to CO2
  • Food: Bin Liners
  • Consumption/Lifestyle: Child in a Box.

The motion graphics facts one was considered overdone and I was told not to make this one, much to my disappointment. I wanted to do a motion graphics video, but I know I should do what is best for the brief. Also, my 'Evolution of Walking' video was not very well received. I am not sure if it was considered 'bad' or just not as good as the 3 other ideas that were picked out. Ironically these ideas are the 2 that I developed the most and are my favourites but

Of all of them the Child in a box idea seemed the most popular, and most of the feedback was focused on that.
  • The child should remind people of that unpleasantness of children/being a child
  • Could be an older person pretending to be a child
  • Could be a woman with a child (but might mistake it for a mother relationship)
  • Walk past a shop window with better, smarter, cleaner children
  • Could be an adult man who buys it
  • Make the child a purchase rather than a gift
  • Could be a brother and sister looking relationship, so someone else young

Another important issue raised is that I need to get written clearances from my 'actors' including the children (parents) otherwise the council can't use them. I will do some research in to the clearances and make it as professional as possible so when I hand them to the client it will be clear what they are.

The following lesson Andrew provided some additional feedback through the notes he wrote down during the pitch, which he has now distributed to us. Here are the notes:
PowerPoint - [presentation]
- good graphics
- Reading and a lot of text.

Adicted to CO2
- humourous
- video examples

Information overload
- Dynamic text
- Simple visual style
- Text moving with right angles.

Video 2: Food
- The wasting of food

Video 3 Transport
- using fun with walking styles
- Funny walks with captions

Video 4 Consumption and lifestyle
- child representing a piece of technology
- The boy is the phone and is put in the rubbish.
- do two or three inc the phone one and the addicted
- Amusing and quirky voices
- what about the boy being an adult that is green screened overlaid etc via After Effects.
- Different characters can relate to different technological devices and one can feel envious of another or overtaken by another but they both share the same fate and are both discarded.
- Can have other discarded children/ characters to create metonym of a world full of thoughtless throw away actions.
- Changing emotions of the phone/boy/ character, smug, working, concerned by rival, forlorn and rejected

It seems like I have a lot of work to do. Idea development, design decisions based on the feedback, serious planning and of course production and post production.